I am trying to understand the differences between something like Kafka and something like Camel. To my understanding Camel would provide much more abstraction for developers without having to worry about changing protocols/systems to some extent. How would Kafka not be able to handle most of what Camel can do now? I am reading through the documentation and it seems like Kafka has been updated/upgraded enough to slightly break away from being a message broker only. I guess my question would really come down to how does Kafka compare to Camel in regards to future proofing systems and where does Kafka fall short of Camel? I am under the impression that Kafka doesn't scale as well as a system grows.
Edit: This is strictly based around messages.The documentation surrounding Camel makes it very clear that it's based around Enterprise Integration Patterns, but the deeper I dive into Kafka documentation the same patterns can be implemented. Am I missing something?