In python3, you can use cmp_to_key
from functools
module. cpython source code.
Suppose you need a priority queue of triplets and specify the priority use the last attribute.
from heapq import *
from functools import cmp_to_key
def mycmp(triplet_left, triplet_right):
key_l, key_r = triplet_left[2], triplet_right[2]
if key_l > key_r:
return -1 # larger first
elif key_l == key_r:
return 0 # equal
return 1
WrapperCls = cmp_to_key(mycmp)
pq = []
myobj = tuple(1, 2, "anystring")
# to push an object myobj into pq
heappush(pq, WrapperCls(myobj))
# to get the heap top use the `obj` attribute
inner = pq[0].obj
Performance Test:
python 3.10.2
from functools import cmp_to_key
from timeit import default_timer as time
from random import randint
from heapq import *
class WrapperCls1:
__slots__ = 'obj'
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def __lt__(self, other):
kl, kr = self.obj[2], other.obj[2]
return True if kl > kr else False
def cmp_class2(obj1, obj2):
kl, kr = obj1[2], obj2[2]
return -1 if kl > kr else 0 if kl == kr else 1
WrapperCls2 = cmp_to_key(cmp_class2)
triplets = [[randint(-1000000, 1000000) for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(100000)]
# tuple_triplets = [tuple(randint(-1000000, 1000000) for _ in range(3)) for _ in range(100000)]
def test_cls1():
pq = []
for triplet in triplets:
heappush(pq, WrapperCls1(triplet))
def test_cls2():
pq = []
for triplet in triplets:
heappush(pq, WrapperCls2(triplet))
def test_cls3():
pq = []
for triplet in triplets:
heappush(pq, (-triplet[2], triplet))
start = time()
for _ in range(10):
# test_cls2()
# test_cls3()
print("total running time (seconds): ", -start+(start:=time()))
use list
instead of tuple
, per function:
- WrapperCls1: 16.2ms
- WrapperCls1 with
: 9.8ms
- WrapperCls2: 8.6ms
- move the priority attribute into the first position ( don't support custom predicate ): 6.0ms.
Therefore, this method is slightly faster than using a custom class with an overridden __lt__()
function and the __slots__