I have written a simple Annotation Processor (just for fun) that will generate some boilerplate code that I have been writing in my previous project. It actually generates a module like following by collecting annotations on Activity classes
abstract class ActivityInjectorModule {
abstract fun providesMain2Activity(): Main2Activity
abstract fun providesMainActivity(): MainActivity
However, when I run it with dagger, dagger can't seem to find classes generated by my annotation processor. Although, class is generated and present in generated directory, I can use it in my source code but on compilation, dagger produces the following exception. Any expert suggestion?
error: cannot find symbol
@dagger.Component(modules = {dagger.android.AndroidInjectionModule.class, com.mallaudin.daggietest.di.AppModule.class, ActivityInjectorModule.class})
symbol: class ActivityInjectorModule
This is the main app component.
modules = [
interface AppComponent : AndroidInjector<App> {
interface Builder {
fun addContext(@BindsInstance ctx: Context): Builder
fun build(): AppComponent
ActivityInjectorModule class is generated by annotation processor and exists in the generated directory.
Application class
class App : DaggerApplication() {
override fun applicationInjector(): AndroidInjector<out DaggerApplication> {
return DaggerAppComponent.builder().addContext(this).build()
Everything works perfectly, if I create the generated class myself. Somehow on compile time, dagger is unable to find the class when generated by my annotation processor.
After Yuriy Kulikov's answer,
You can see generated file is in the same package but also referenced with fully qualified name. Still dagger reports errors.
Here is the link to github repository if someone wants to experiment