im implementing deep link is iOS. I have configured the URL Scheme in Project-Setting->Info->Url type URL Schemes : carwash role:Viewer
when I type carwash://something the browser asks for opening the application but nothing get called in Application that I handle that what action should occur .
apple documentation says you should override application(open url) in AppDelegate but deep link dosent call it and the application opens in last state
application:openURL:options:' is not being called
this is my code and dose not work
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL,
options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
if let url = launchOptions?[UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey.url] as? URL {
/// some
return true
return true
in youropen url
delegate method. – Nab