I want to implement this function also, so I reverse tcpview 3.0.2.
I found, tcpview use a WMI performance counter MSNT_TcpIpInformation.
But MSNT_TcpIpInformation is not supported in xp and 2003 officially.
here is the description, you can reference to.
by the way, MSNT_TcpIpInformation have no information about packets, so tcpview just increment sent and revd packets everytime.
here is the disassemble:
CPU Disasm
Address Hex dump Command Comments
0040B41B |. 83E8 02 SUB EAX,2 ; Switch (cases 2..3, 3 exits)
0040B41E |. 74 29 JE SHORT 0040B449
0040B420 |. 83E8 01 SUB EAX,1
0040B423 |. 75 40 JNE SHORT 0040B465
0040B425 |. 8B57 1C MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+1C] ; Case 3 of switch Tcpview.40B41B
0040B428 |. 0196 90060000 ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+690],EDX
0040B42E |. 119E 94060000 ADC DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+694],EBX
0040B434 |. 8386 C0060000 ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+6C0],1
0040B43B |. 119E C4060000 ADC DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+6C4],EBX
0040B441 |. 5E POP ESI
0040B442 |. 5F POP EDI
0040B443 |. 5D POP EBP
0040B444 |. 5B POP EBX
0040B445 |. 83C4 3C ADD ESP,3C
0040B448 |. C3 RETN
0040B449 |> 8B47 1C MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+1C] ; Case 2 of switch Tcpview.40B41B
0040B44C |. 0186 78060000 ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+678],EAX
0040B452 |. 119E 7C060000 ADC DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+67C],EBX
0040B458 |. 8386 A8060000 ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+6A8],1
0040B45F |. 119E AC060000 ADC DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+6AC],EBX
0040B465 |> 5E POP ESI ; Default case of switch Tcpview.40B41B
0040B466 |. 5F POP EDI