I'm trying to create my own Pebble watch faces. It appears no one has done this yet and there's no SDK.
So far I've figured out that the watch faces are hosted here: http://pebble-static.s3.amazonaws.com/watchfaces/index.html
Each watch face is a .pbw file which is a zip file. There's 3 files inside: app_resources.pbpack, manifest.json and pebble-app.bin.
The JSON file includes a list of all the parts of the watch face (images), which appears to be an app. The .bin file is probably the executable binary and the .pbpack file is probably a bundle of all the resources. I can't figure out how to extract the .pbpack file. I'm also not sure what to do with .bin file.
I'm trying to post my progress here: http://hackingpebble.tumblr.com
Any thoughts on what to do with the .pback and .bin files?
tag is used because the term "pebble" alone was ambiguous. – Trattoria