My SPA uses React as front end and laravel API as backend.
When the user logs in (via axios and api), the api returns an access (Bearer token) as response. I use the react-cookie framework to store the access token as cookie in the Browser. This cookie will be read and used for any future request.
Is this the right way to do? Isn't cookie data just something in the Browser that can be easily obtained by any attacker? Since it is just a file one the computer somewhere.
What is stopping an attacker from grabbing that cookie, impersonate as that user and start performing actions that requires authentication?
The token has a life span of lets say 1 year. It will only be refreshed every time the user logs in. I understand that if I set the life span shorter it will be more secure. However that will mean the user would have to log in constantly?
Im not sure if any of the provided solution answered my question. A SPA app is front end based and the request can be from anywhere such as Postman, Mobile app, or any third party device that wish to talk to my backed server. So those device needs a way to store some access token locally to be used for any future request.
The only way I know this could happen is for my server to send some auth token to the requester and have it store it somewhere to be used for next request.
In this case, Im not sure if CSRF token or any other means would help my concern?
Just like facebook, if I clear my cache, I will have to re-login. That means facebook is storing something on my location computer so I can be automatically authenticated next time