Most datagram receiving functions such as c's recv or read, javas DatagramPacket class or pythons SocketServer, include the possibility to find out the amount of received data.
int amount = recv(sock, buf, n, MSG_WAITALL);
int amount = datagramSocket.getLength();
class MyUDPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
amount = len (self.request[0])
Are these reliable? Or is it possible that only parts of the message are received, due to for example packet fragmentation or network delay?
In other words: When I send a variable length chunk of data via udp and receive it at the other end, are these amount values exactly equal to the size of the original chunk?
ninjalj made a good point and I want to include it here. What happens when the receiving function is interrupted, for instance by a signal? What happens when two threads simultaneously try to receive from the same socket?