I am using the TeamCity Visual Studio runner. I want to add a setting that is not accessible from Visual Studio.
I typed that directly into the build step "Command line parameters." The build log shows the error:
MSBuild command line parameters contains "/property:" or "/p:" parameters. Please use Build Parameters instead.
I don't understand how to provide this to MSBuild from TeamCity and get rid of this warning!
1. Which kind of parameter should I use?
There are 3 kinds:
- Configuration parameters
- System properties
- Environment variables.
I don't want an environment or system variable because I don't want this build to depend on anything external. I am going to try Config right now, but then I'm not sure I'm filling it in right.
2. How can I tell this parameter is actually getting used?
The build log, which seems only to have navigable/foldable xml-like levels with their program, did not say the build parameters.