In order to create a custom error handler you can extend the BaseErrorListener
class and override the syntaxError
method, e.g.:
public class MyErrorListener extends BaseErrorListener {
public void syntaxError( Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine,
String msg, RecognitionException e ) {
// method arguments should be used for more detailed report
throw new RuntimeException("syntax error occurred");
Now when you create a lexer and a parser you should remove the default error listeners and attach your custom one:
MyErrorListener errorListener = new MyErrorListener();
Lexer lexer = new MyLexer( ... );
lexer.addErrorListener( errorListener );
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream( lexer );
Parser parser = new MyParser( tokens );
parser.addErrorListener( errorListener );
The default message "line x:x token recognition error at: 'xxx'" comes from the default ConsoleErrorListener
class. If you don't remove it using lexer/parser.removeErrorListeners()
and only add your custom one it will still be triggered.
The error handling strategies are thoroughly described in a dedicated chapter of The Definitive ANTLR4 Reference book (mentioned on the ANTLR4 Documentation page). I currently have no access to the book itself, so would be grateful if someone edits this answer with a concrete page number of the book. Also, I couldn't find a related guide on the ANTLR4 doc page, so if it exists - a link would be helpful, too.