What exactly do they do? I know one possible use of @ (assigning a name at the start of a pattern match), but haven't been able to find anything on ~.
I found them in the following code snippet, taken from http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Prime_numbers, but the article assumes that you're fluent in Haskell syntax and doesn't bother explaining its esoteric operators (the part I'm confused about is the start of the declaration for sieve):
primesPT () = 2 : primes'
primes' = sieve [3,5..] primes' 9
sieve (p:xs) ps@ ~(_:t) q
| p < q = p : sieve xs ps q
| True = sieve [x | x<-xs, rem x p /= 0] t (head t^2)
Any explanation (or link to one) about the syntax used here would be greatly appreciated.