AS. What did you mean by elegancre here ? Elegance of implementation or elegance of use or CPI-effieciency or maintainability ? Elegance is a very vague word...
I think the obvious way to make it easier to use is converting the type to be usable in the fashion like ExtBoolean1 or (ExtBoolean2 and True)
However the features required might be in or short before Delphi 2006 (quite a buggy release per se), so take your DUnit
and do a lot of tests..
To list the features to be used and their descriptions:
- Enhanced Records: When should I use enhanced record types in Delphi instead of classes? and and manual
- Operation overloading, including implicit typecasts: What operator do I overload when assigning an "Enhanced Record" to a normal "Data Type" variable? and Operator Overloading in Delphi and manual
- Functions inlining: what is use of inline keyword in delphi and manual
To outline some of those ideas:
TExtBoolean = record
Value: (ebUnknown, ebTrue, ebFalse);
function IsNull: boolean; inline;
function Defined: boolean; inline;
class operator Implicit ( from: boolean ): TExtBoolean; inline;
class operator Implicit ( from: TExtBoolean ): boolean;
class operator LogicalAnd( Value1, Value2: TExtBoolean ): TExtBoolean;
class operator LogicalAnd( Value1: TExtBoolean; Value2: boolean): TExtBoolean; inline;
class operator LogicalAnd( Value1: boolean; Value2: TExtBoolean ): TExtBoolean;
const Unknown: TExtBoolean = (Value: ebUnknown);
var v1: TExtBoolean;
v1 := False;
v1 := True;
v1 := Unknown;
class operator TExtBoolean.Implicit ( from: boolean ): TExtBoolean;
if from
then Result.Value := ebTrue
else Result.Value := ebFalse
class operator TExtBoolean.Implicit ( from: TExtBoolean ): Boolean;
case from.Value of
ebTrue: Result := True;
ebFalse: Result := False;
else raise EConvertError.Create('....');
function TExtBoolean.Defined: boolean;
Result := (Self.Value = ebTrue) or (Self.Value = ebFalse);
// this implementation detects values other than ebTrue/ebFalse/ebUnkonwn
// that might appear in reality due to non-initialized memory garbage
// since hardware type of Value is byte and may be equal to 3, 4, ...255
function TExtBoolean.IsNull: boolean;
Result := not Self.Defined
class operator TExtBoolean.And( Value1, Value2: TExtBoolean ): TExtBoolean;
if Value1.IsNull or Value2.IsNull
then Result.Value := eb.Undefined
else Result := boolean(Value1) and boolean(Value2);
// Or, sacrificing readability and safety for the sake of speed
// and removing duplicate IsNull checks
// else Result := (Value1.Value = ebTrue) and (Value2.Value = ebTrue);
class operator TExtBoolean.LogicalAnd( Value1, TExtBoolean; Value2: boolean): TExtBoolean;
Result := Value2 and Value1;
class operator TExtBoolean.LogicalAnd( Value1: boolean; Value2: TExtBoolean ): TExtBoolean;
if Value2.IsNull
then Result := Value2
else Result := Value1 and (Value2.Value = ebTrue);
// or if to accept a duplicate redundant check for readability sake
// and to avert potential later erros (refactoring, you may accidentally remove the check above)
// else Result := Value1 and boolean (Value2);
PS. The check for being unspecified above is intentionally made pessimistic, tending to err on bad side. It is the defense against non-initialized variables and possible future changes, adding more states than three.
While thise might seems to be over-protecting, at least Delphi XE2 is agreeing with mee: see the warning in a similar case:
program Project20; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}
uses System.SysUtils;
type enum = (e1, e2, e3);
var e: enum;
function name( e: enum ): char;
case e of
e1: Result := 'A';
e2: Result := 'B';
e3: Result := 'C';
// [DCC Warning] Project20.dpr: W1035 Return value of function 'name' might be undefined
for e := e1 to e3
do Writeln(name(e));