I looked around for a similar issue but couldn't find anything that matched it.
I'm trying to extend the built-in JSONObject to add some functionality, like so:
public class MyJSONObject extends JSONObject {
// Easily return an integer from a JSONObject, handling when the value is null.
public Integer getIntegerUnlessNull(String key) throws JSONException {
String key_value = this.getString (key);
if ( key_value.equals("null") ) {
return null;
} else {
return Integer.parseInt( key_value );
However, when I try to cast it, I get a java.lang.ClassCastException
private JSONArray jsonClients;
MyJSONObject clientJSONRecord;
clientJSONRecord = (MyJSONObject) jsonClients.getJSONObject(0);
The full error message is:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.json.JSONObject cannot be cast to com.insightemissions.trak.extensions.MyJSONObject
Any help?
methods results in a JSONObject instance. – Fiske