I have an interesting question about event capturing, bubbling and jQuery.on()
I have recently learned more about the difference between event capturing and event bubbling and how the two flow differently in and out of the child-parent elements within the DOM.
So to add an event listener with "event capture direction" i would use:
element.addEventListener("click", myFunction, true);
and to add an event listener with "event bubble direction" i would use:
element.addEventListener("click", myFunction, false);
This is all good and well, but what I want to know is when using jquery.on()
to add event listeners, how does one specifiy the event direction in terms of capturing and bubbling?
currently I am using something like:
$('parent selector').on('click', 'child selector', function(){alert('just alert something already...');});
How do I tell jQuery that it needs to add these event listeners in the "event capture direction" or the "event bubble direction"?
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