In OS X 10.9.5
I wrote a Shell Script (via vim). Save it and navigate to this script and
it runs perfect (in iTerm & Total Terminal).
The same command in the same directory produces via Mac Automator always an ERROR. Why?
in Automator and in Terminal.echo $SHELL
Why is it impossible to run a shellscript via Automator.
expect some input from somewhere? Can you run it withsh -x
(or rather,bash -x
, if it's really properly a Bash script) to see where exactly it's failing? – Lustrewarecan't find lib-x or lib-y
. Only STOP. The Shell-script itself contains a RScript.Rscript -e 'shiny::runApp(("/Users/Einstein/Git/RShiny/fooapp"),launch.browser=TRUE)'
– Mutantsleep 1000
in the command to run, and press the Stop button after allowing it to run for a while. So I guess that's what you did as well. – Lustrewareecho $SHELL
and that the actual problem (if there is one) is inside the R script. Nominating this question for closing. – Lustrewarelaunch.browser
but speculating that this is the actual source of your problem. – Lustrewarelaunch.browser
isn't the problem. I tested several variations of execution the RScript - with and without shell script. Both variations, direct from terminal or as shell script working very well. But from Automator there is always a problem. I have no idea how to identify the difference of Terminal ans Automator-Temrinal (run shell script). – Mutant--verbose
? – Lustreware--verbose
brings no working process. I was in good hope that thechmod
could save the problem, but it doesn't. – Mutant