@LiviuT's answer is awesome, but seems to leave lots of folks wondering how to re-access the handler's tear-down function from another $scope or function, if you want to destroy it from a place other than where it was created. @Рустем Мусабеков's answer works just great, but isn't very idiomatic. (And relies on what's supposed to be a private implementation detail, which could change any time.) And from there, it just gets more complicated...
I think the easy answer here is to simply carry a reference to the tear-down function (offCallMeFn
in his example) in the handler itself, and then call it based on some condition; perhaps an arg that you include on the event you $broadcast or $emit. Handlers can thus tear down themselves, whenever you want, wherever you want, carrying around the seeds of their own destruction. Like so:
// Creation of our handler:
var tearDownFunc = $rootScope.$on('demo-event', function(event, booleanParam) {
var selfDestruct = tearDownFunc;
if (booleanParam === false) {
console.log('This is the routine handler here. I can do your normal handling-type stuff.')
if (booleanParam === true) {
console.log("5... 4... 3... 2... 1...")
// These two functions are purely for demonstration
window.trigger = function(booleanArg) {
$scope.$emit('demo-event', booleanArg);
window.check = function() {
// shows us where Angular is stashing our handlers, while they exist
// Interactive Demo:
>> trigger(false);
// "This is the routine handler here. I can do your normal handling-type stuff."
>> check();
// [function] (So, there's a handler registered at this point.)
>> trigger(true);
// "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."
>> check();
// [null] (No more handler.)
>> trigger(false);
// undefined (He's dead, Jim.)
Two thoughts:
- This is a great formula for a run-once handler. Just drop the conditionals and run
as soon as it has completed its suicide mission.
- I wonder about whether the originating scope will ever be properly destroyed and garbage-collected, given that you're carrying references to closured variables. You'd have to use a million of these to even have it be a memory problem, but I'm curious. If anybody has any insight, please share.