Some simple definitions for the sake of a complete working example:
import scala.concurrent.Future
type User = String
type Location = String
type Address = String
case class UserProfile(user: User, location: Location, addresses: Address)
def getUserById(id: Long): Future[Option[User]] = id match {
case 1 => Future.successful(Some("Foo McBar"))
case _ => Future.successful(None)
def getLocationById(id: Long): Future[Option[Location]] = id match {
case 1 => Future.successful(Some("The Moon"))
case _ => Future.successful(None)
def getAddressById(id: Long): Future[Option[Address]] = id match {
case 1 => Future.successful(Some("123 Moon St."))
case _ => Future.successful(None)
And for the sake of completeness, here's what the Scalaz-free implementation would look like:
def getProfile(uid: Long, lid: Long, aid: Long): Future[Option[UserProfile]] =
for {
maybeUser <- getUserById(uid)
maybeLocation <- getLocationById(lid)
maybeAddress <- getAddressById(aid)
} yield (
for {
user <- maybeUser
location <- maybeLocation
address <- maybeAddress
} yield UserProfile(user, location, address)
I.e. we have to nest for-comprehensions, just like we'd have to nest map
to transform e.g. the Int
value that might be inside a Future[Option[Int]]
The OptionT
monad transformer in Scalaz or Cats is designed to allow you to work with types like Future[Option[A]]
without this nesting. For example you could write this:
import scalaz.OptionT, scalaz.std.scalaFuture._
def getProfile(uid: Long, lid: Long, aid: Long): OptionT[Future, UserProfile] =
for {
user <- OptionT(getUserById(uid))
location <- OptionT(getLocationById(lid))
address <- OptionT(getAddressById(aid))
} yield UserProfile(user, location, address)
Or if you wanted a Future[Option[UserProfile]]
you can just call run
def getProfile(uid: Long, lid: Long, aid: Long): Future[Option[UserProfile]] = (
for {
user <- OptionT(getUserById(uid))
location <- OptionT(getLocationById(lid))
address <- OptionT(getAddressById(aid))
} yield UserProfile(user, location, address)
And then:
scala> getProfile(1L, 1L, 1L).foreach(println)
Some(UserProfile(Foo McBar,The Moon,123 Moon St.))
If any of the intermediate results are None
, the whole thing will be None
scala> getProfile(1L, 1L, 0L).foreach(println)
scala> getProfile(0L, 0L, 0L).foreach(println)
And of course if any of the requests fail, the whole thing fails with the first error.
As a footnote, if the requests don't depend on each other, you can compose them applicatively instead of monadically:
import scalaz.Scalaz._
def getProfile(uid: Long, lid: Long, aid: Long): Future[Option[UserProfile]] = (
OptionT(getUserById(uid)) |@|
OptionT(getLocationById(lid)) |@|
)(UserProfile.apply _).run
This models the computation more accurately and may be more efficient since it can run the requests in parallel.
, maybe it should have ascalaz
tag (and possibly alsomonad-transformers
)? – Elvinelvina