I am trying to implement a Django data model class, which is also an interface class, using Python 3. My reason for doing so is, I'm writing a base class for my colleague, and need him to implement three methods in all of the classes he derives from mine. I am trying to give him a simplified way to use the functionality of a system I've designed. But, he must override a few methods to supply the system with enough information to execute the code in his inherited classes.
I know this is wrong, because it's throwing exceptions, but I'd like to have a class like the following example:
from django.db import models
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class AlgorithmTemplate(ABC, models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
def data_subscriptions(self):
This method returns a list of topics this class will subscribe to using websockets
NOTE: This method MUST be overriden!
:rtype: list
I understand I could avoid inheriting from the ABC
class, but I'd like to use it for reasons I won't bore you with here.
The Problem
After including a class, like the one above, into my project and running python manage.py makemigrations
I get the error: TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases
. I have searched Stack Overflow, but have only find solutions like the following one:
class M_A(type): pass
class M_B(type): pass
class A(metaclass=M_A): pass
class B(metaclass=M_B): pass
class M_C(M_A, M_B): pass
class C:(A, B, metaclass=M_C): pass
I've read the following posts:
Using ABC, PolymorphicModel, django-models gives metaclass conflict
And I've tried many variations of those solutions, but I still get the dreaded metaclass
exception. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope. :-)