I am an advocate of using perceptually uniform colormaps when plotting scientific data as grayscale images and applying false colorings. I don't know who invented these, but these colormaps are fantastic and I would not use anything else.
Anyways to be honest, I've gotten a bit bored of the 5 colormaps (viridis, plasma, inferno, magma, cividis) which have been implemented in many popular graphing softwares (R-ggplot, python-matplotlib, matlab, JMP, etc.). I'm sure some of you also feel the same monotony...
So in addition to those 5 colormaps, what are some other colormaps which are perceptually uniform?
BONUS: Is there some algorithm to derive colormaps with perceptually uniform qualities (maybe not since color perception has a psychological aspect)? but if so, what is it?