I have a login scren and when the login is successful and the view model updates the mutable state variable, my expectation is that a new composable function is called to show a new screen and the login one is removed. The problem is that when the new screen (aka Screen.AccountsScreen
) is shown, its content keeps flashing/redrawing and same thing happen with the login form which never gets destroyed (I know this because the log message 'Recomponing...' gets printed endless). I assume this happens because the isLoginSuccessful
state is always true. It seems I need an event that can be consumed only once, is this correct? If so, how can I do that?
class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor() : ViewModel() {
var isLoginSuccessful by mutableStateOf(false)
var errorMessage by mutableStateOf("")
fun onLoginClick(email: String, password:String) {
errorMessage = ""
if (credentialsValid(email, password)) {
isLoginSuccessful = true
} else {
errorMessage = "Email or password invalid"
isLoginSuccessful = false
fun loginScreen(
navController: NavController,
viewModel: LoginViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
// Here gos the code for the login form
if (viewModel.isLoginSuccessful) {
navController.navigate(Screen.AccountsScreen.route) {
popUpTo(Screen.LoginScreen.route) { inclusive = true }