The actual difference is matter only if the expected and actual collections/lists contain duplicates:
is always duplicates insensitive: it never fails if sets of expected/actual values are matched
is always duplicates sensitive: it fails if the numbers of expected/actual elements are different
Although, they all fail if:
See the example:
private List<String> withDuplicates;
private List<String> noDuplicates;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
withDuplicates = asList("Entryway", "Underhalls", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway");
noDuplicates = asList("Entryway", "Underhalls", "The Gauntlet");
public void exactMatches_SUCCESS() throws Exception {
// successes because these 4 cases are exact matches (bored cases)
assertThat(withDuplicates).containsOnly("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway", "Underhalls"); // 1
assertThat(withDuplicates).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway", "Underhalls"); // 2
assertThat(noDuplicates).containsOnly("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls"); // 3
assertThat(noDuplicates).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls"); // 4
public void duplicatesAreIgnored_SUCCESS() throws Exception {
// successes because actual withDuplicates contains only 3 UNIQUE values
assertThat(withDuplicates).containsOnly("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls"); // 5
// successes because actual noDuplicates contains ANY of 5 expected values
assertThat(noDuplicates).containsOnly("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway", "Underhalls"); // 6
public void duplicatesCauseFailure_FAIL() throws Exception {
SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
// fails because ["Underhalls", "Entryway"] are UNEXPECTED in actual withDuplicates collection
softly.assertThat(withDuplicates).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls"); // 7
// fails because ["Entryway", "Underhalls"] are MISSING in actual noDuplicates collection
softly.assertThat(noDuplicates).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway", "Underhalls"); // 8
javadoc, one more reason to do it. – Solipsism