I can't recognize swipes in my Angular app using Hammer.JS. It's setup like this:
"@angular/core": "~9.0.0-next.6",
"hammerjs": "^2.0.8",
"zone.js": "~0.10.2"
app.module.ts is looking like this:
import { BrowserModule, HammerGestureConfig, HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import * as hammer from 'hammerjs';
export class MyHammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig {
overrides = <any>{
swipe: { direction: hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL },
pinch: { enable: false },
rotate: { enable: false }
imports: [
providers: [
useClass: MyHammerConfig
app.component.ts has this method:
onSwipe() {
And finaly app.component.html looks like this:
<div (swipeleft)="onSwipe()" (swiperight)="onSwipe()">
<h1>Swipe here</h1>
However, neither swipeleft
or swiperight
are triggered ever using an iPad or iPhone both running iOS 13.
Am I missing any crucial configuration? Or do I have another issue with this code?
I also tested this Stackblitz "blog-ng-swiping" which is working fine on the touch devices, but it's using Angular 8.