To get a color at a specific point is necessary to understand the gradient in question, and this is not the role of class GradientStopCollection. The concept of this class is not to understand a gradient, but should be a simple collection of support to a gradient.
Is important that you understand the concept of each class.
To get a color, you need to instantiate a class that represents a gradient using the gradient to paint and finally get their color from the painting.
but I'll give you a quicker solution. You can use a gradient algorithm to generate a single point. This is an implementation of how to do this using a linear gradient algorithm:
public static class GradientStopCollectionExtensions
public static Color GetRelativeColor(this GradientStopCollection gsc, double offset)
var point = gsc.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Offset == offset);
if (point != null) return point.Color;
GradientStop before = gsc.Where(w => w.Offset == gsc.Min(m => m.Offset)).First();
GradientStop after = gsc.Where(w => w.Offset == gsc.Max(m => m.Offset)).First();
foreach (var gs in gsc)
if (gs.Offset < offset && gs.Offset > before.Offset)
before = gs;
if (gs.Offset > offset && gs.Offset < after.Offset)
after = gs;
var color = new Color();
color.ScA = (float)((offset - before.Offset) * (after.Color.ScA - before.Color.ScA) / (after.Offset - before.Offset) + before.Color.ScA);
color.ScR = (float)((offset - before.Offset) * (after.Color.ScR - before.Color.ScR) / (after.Offset - before.Offset) + before.Color.ScR);
color.ScG = (float)((offset - before.Offset) * (after.Color.ScG - before.Color.ScG) / (after.Offset - before.Offset) + before.Color.ScG);
color.ScB = (float)((offset - before.Offset) * (after.Color.ScB - before.Color.ScB) / (after.Offset - before.Offset) + before.Color.ScB);
return color;
PS: This algorithm assumes there are no stops with the same offset. If there are multiple stops with the same offset a InvalidOperationException
will be thrown.
Add this class in your current context (namespace context)
To get your color in any place you insert something like this:
var color = grsc.GetRelativeColor(.75);