If you're using SQL Server 2005 or later (and the tags for your question indicate SQL Server 2008), you can use ranking functions to return the duplicate records after the first one if using joins is less desirable or impractical for some reason. The following example shows this in action, where it also works with null values in the columns examined.
create table Table1 (
Field1 int,
Field2 int,
Field3 int,
Field4 int
insert Table1
values (1,1,1,1)
, (1,1,1,2)
, (1,1,1,3)
, (2,2,2,1)
, (3,3,3,1)
, (3,3,3,2)
, (null, null, 2, 1)
, (null, null, 2, 3)
select *
from (select Field1
, Field2
, Field3
, Field4
, row_number() over (partition by Field1
, Field2
, Field3
order by Field4) as occurrence
from Table1) x
where occurrence > 1
Notice after running this example that the first record out of every "group" is excluded, and that records with null values are handled properly.
If you don't have a column available to order the records within a group, you can use the partition-by columns as the order-by columns.