I'm building up a Maven Java 1.8 project in which I've included the MySQL Connector as a dependency:
In my application I've a singleton that holds the MySQL connection so when the application starts, the MySQL connector is triggered but I got a ClassNotFoundException for the driver that I'm using: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver.
The JDBC URL that I'm using is:
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA (2017.2) IDE.
I've checked in File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> I see "Maven: mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.392" as a Library.
I've also checked under File -> Project Structure -> Artifacts -> and under myapp.war exploded -> WEB-INF -> lib -> Maven: mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.39 is present.
From View -> Tool Windows -> Database, I've succesfully made a MySQL connection dowloading the suggested driver (MySQL Connector 5.1.35).
How can I tell the application that it has to load the MySQL driver at runtime?
Thanks in advance
statement immediately before opening the connection? If so, then try commenting it out and see if that helps. – Grubstake