(I know there're multiple questions on stackoverflow and elsewhere (like google group) about adding parcelable for NetworkInfo but this is not about that.)
My work is under $(AOSP_ROOT)/device/ and involves multiple aidl files. one of it is like,
package com.example;
parcelable SomeRequest;
And another aidl is like,
package com.example;
import com.example.SomeRequest;
interface SomeService {
SomeRequest getRequest();
And I'll get compile errors like,
device/somedevice/sdk/libs/aidl/com/example/SomeService.aidl:9: couldn't find import for class com.example.SomeRequest
I'm wondering it is the order of processing aidl files. My Android.mk looks like,
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, aidl)
LOCAL_AIDL_INCLUDES := $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, aidl)
This build error is introduced after I moved aidl files from src/ folder to aidl/ folder (for some reason I have to do so). It worked before but now even if I moved it back to src/ folder it doesn't work anymore. I tried to clean up $(AOSP_ROOT)/out/device/target but it's not helping.