In many cases, the table entries change at run-time to reflect changes in the data model. Adding entry to the data model requires to resize columns as well, but in my case calling .pack() after the modification of the model does not solved completly the problem. In particolar with decorations the last entry is never resized. This seams to be due to async table viewer update. This snipped solved my problem:
public class LabelDecoratorProvider extends DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider {
public LabelDecoratorProvider(IStyledLabelProvider labelProvider,
ILabelDecorator decorator, IDecorationContext decorationContext) {
super(labelProvider, decorator, decorationContext);
public void update(ViewerCell cell) {
if (TableViewer.class.isInstance(getViewer())) {
TableViewer tableViewer = ((TableViewer)getViewer());
Table table = tableViewer.getTable();
for (int i = 0, n = table.getColumnCount(); i < n; i++)