Suppose you have a dataframe with 9 columns. You want to remove cases which have all NAs in columns 5:9. It's not at all relevant if there are NAs in columns 1:4.
So far I have found functions that allow you to remove rows that have NAs in any of the columns 5:9, but I specifically need to remove only those that have all NAs in columns 5:9.
I wrote my own function to do this, but since I have 300k+ rows, it's very slow. I was wondering is there a more efficient way? This is my code:<-function(x, cols){
for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
if (sum([i,cols]))<length(cols)){
#Console output to track the progress
cat('\r',paste0('Checking row ',i,' of ',nrow(x),' (', format(round(i/nrow(x)*100,2), nsmall = 2),'%).'))
where x is the dataframe and cols is a vector containing names of the columns that should be checked for NAs.
is superseded in favor ofacross()
. However, I wasn't able to translate the solution here to rely onacross()
. Any hint? – Chipper