Help: I have a server which is having time in GMT-07.00 hours. My local time is GMT+05.30 hours. I need to get current date and time from server and convert this date and time into my local time. I have tried many codes, but still have not found a successive way of doing this. Can somebody please help me out.
string zoneId = "India Standard Time";
TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(zoneId);
DateTime result = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, tzi);
DateTime cu = result.ToUniversalTime();
DateTime cur = cu.ToLocalTime();
I have tried all the above methods, still I'm not getting the correct answer. Suppose my current local time is 09-Mar-2014 12:51:00 PM, then my server time would be 12.30 hours different from my local time, ie subtract 12 hours and 30 minutes from my local time to get my server time. I need to get my local time from the server time. How can it be acheived?? Please suggest me some solutions.. Thanks in advance for your answers
from your localtime? – Wraf