I'm trying to set up Cognito to use cookies instead of localStorage for credentials so that I can keep the user logged in between domains, e.g. x.foo.com and y.foo.com. The first step is to get it working on localhost but I'm stuck.
The documentation shows a simple config change should do the trick?
The following debug messages are comitted to the console:
[DEBUG] 37:08.223 AuthClass
Object { idToken: {…}, refreshToken: {…}, accessToken: {…}, clockDrift: 0 }
[DEBUG] 37:08.228 Credentials - No Cache module registered in Amplify ConsoleLogger.js:84
[DEBUG] 37:08.230 Credentials - set credentials from session ConsoleLogger.js:84
[DEBUG] 37:08.230 Credentials - No Cognito Federated Identity pool provided ConsoleLogger.js:84
[DEBUG] 37:08.230 AuthClass - cannot get cognito credentials No Cognito Federated Identity pool provided ConsoleLogger.js:94
[DEBUG] 37:08.231 AuthClass - Failed to get user from user pool ConsoleLogger.js:84
[ERROR] 37:08.232 AuthClass - Failed to get the signed in user No current user
It seems when you specify the cookieStorage config you need to manually apply a cache instance? How do I do that and will it solve the problem?