Mind this program:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Prelude hiding (sum)
type List h = forall t . (h -> t -> t) -> t -> t
sum_ :: (Num a) => List a -> a
sum_ = \ list -> list (+) 0
toList :: [a] -> List a
toList = \ list cons nil -> foldr cons nil list
sum :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
-- sum = sum_ . toList -- does not work
sum = \ a -> sum_ (toList a) -- works
main = print (sum [1,2,3])
Both definitions of sum are identical up to equational reasoning. Yet, compiling the second definition of works, but the first one doesn't, with this error:
Couldn't match type ‘(a -> t0 -> t0) -> t0 -> t0’
with ‘forall t. (a -> t -> t) -> t -> t’
Expected type: [a] -> List a
Actual type: [a] -> (a -> t0 -> t0) -> t0 -> t0
Relevant bindings include sum :: [a] -> a (bound at tmpdel.hs:17:1)
In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘toList’
In the expression: sum_ . toList
It seems that RankNTypes
breaks equational reasoning. Is there any way to have church-encoded lists in Haskell without breaking it??
, even though they currently do the same thing). – Moffitttype List r a = (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r
, and be careful that you never provide something monomorphic as the first argument ofList
. It is sad that you can't get the compiler to help you check that, but is also a lot less work. – Moffitthead
? I tried and it couldn't typecheck for good. – Dionnadionnehead :: List (Maybe a) a -> Maybe a; head f = f Just Nothing
orunsafeHead :: List a a -> a; unsafeHead f = f id undefined
. – Moffitt[a] -> List a
is a type that doesn't actually exist in GHC, which makessum_ . toList
just plain ill-typed. – Oilcloth