I have written a service that monitors if my app is running and starts it if not. In result the app is run as a "system" user - which is the way I want it to be. I have several of those installations working properly. The app should mount a network share that is in this case available on a linux samba server. The problem is that when running the command:
net use X: \\IP\share_name /user:login password
an error is displayed:
System error 1312 has occured.
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.
I have run some checks and it turns out that the X: drive in local system is available, the server is online, the share is available, the credentials are OK, there are no other net use sessions running in this system. Also I have found out a strange behavior: running identical command as a standard user gives proper results and the drive is mounted properly. Do you have any suggestions what might be the problem and how to solve it?
Additionally I am not a domain member, and the system that shows the error is Windows 7 Pro. I have other machines in the same network that do work properly without the error.