I always end up opening an eshell and executing find-file new-file-name, because helm always supplies me with candidates and a million options that don't look like the basic feature that I want: forcing the file to be called what I typed. For example, I want to great an org document called mto.org in a directory with another org file in it.
How can I force helm to create the file with the name I typed, so I can save 10 seconds by avoiding opening up eshell and adding a small, but (hopefully easily) avoidable disruption of my concentration?
, how about evaluating?:(start-process "touch-file" nil "touch" "moto.org")
If you like that, then you can make it more elaborate to check the existence of a file with that name and if it exists then creating that name plus 1, 2, 3, etc. -- e.g., moto1.org, moto2.org, moto3.org. – Hernia