I have a problem with TextField that is hiding under the keyboard, I've found the answers for the similar question here, but they are not helping me in my case. I have a LazyColumn with the list of different composables in it, and when I have not enough elements in the window for scroll to be activated, focusing on TextField is not lifting up focused TextField above keyboard. Keyboard just hides it. My code:
val listState = rememberLazyListState()
typealias ComposableType = @Composable (Int) -> Unit
val uiList = listOf<ComposableType>( {IconButton}, {Text}, {CustomTextField(listState,it)}, {CustomTextField(listState,it)})
LazyColumn() {
itemsIndexed(uiList) { index, ui ->
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
CustomTextField(scrollState: LazyListState, position: Int) {
modifier = Modifier.onFocusEvent { focusState ->
if (focusState.isFocused) {
scope.launch {
So, for example if i have 10 CustomTextFields in my uiList, scroll works when one of TextField is focused. But when there are only 2 TextFields in the uiList, focusing on either of them does not lift up them above keyboard.
Also I tried using RelocationRequester() and used Column with scroll instead of LazyColumn, none of it helped.