I realize that this is quite an old question and that mongodump/mongorestore is clearly the right way if you want a 100% faithful result, including indexes.
However, I needed a quick and dirty solution that would likely be forwards and backwards compatible between old and new versions of MongoDB, provided there's nothing especially wacky going on. And for that I wanted the answer to the original question.
There are other acceptable solutions above, but this Unix pipeline is relatively short and sweet:
mongo --quiet mydatabase --eval "db.getCollectionNames().join('\n')" | \
grep -v system.indexes | \
xargs -L 1 -I {} mongoexport -d mydatabase -c {} --out {}.json
This produces an appropriately named .json
file for each collection.
Note that the database name ("mydatabase") appears twice. I'm assuming the database is local and you don't need to pass credentials but it's easy to do that with both mongo
and mongoexport
Note that I'm using grep -v
to discard system.indexes
, because I don't want an older version of MongoDB to try to interpret a system collection from a newer one. Instead I'm allowing my application to make its usual ensureIndex
calls to recreate the indexes.
You must specify the collection to export.
I referred the same document – Phlegm