I would like to use Scalaz for validations and like to be able to reuse the validation functions in different contexts. I'm totally new to Scalaz btw.
Let's say I have these simple checks:
def checkDefined(xs: Option[String]): Validation[String, String] =
def nonEmpty(str: String): Validation[String, String] =
if (str.nonEmpty) str.success else "empty".fail
def int(str: String): Validation[String, Int] = ...
I like to be able to compose validations where output from one is fed into the other. I could easily do that with flatMap
or via for comprehensions but it feels like there must be a better way than that.
for {
v1 <- checkDefined(map.get("foo"))
v2 <- nonEmpty(v1)
v3 <- int(v2)
v4 <- ...
} yield SomeCaseClass(v3, v4)
val x1 = checkDefined(map get "foo").flatMap(nonEmpty).flatMap(int)
val x2 = check(...)
// How to combine x1 and x2?
Any thoughts from the Scalaz experts out there?