How can I write a Cython function that takes a byte string object (a normal string, a bytearray, or another object that follows the buffer protocol) as a typed memoryview?
According to the Unicode and Passing Strings Cython tutorial page, the following should work:
cpdef object printbuf(unsigned char[:] buf):
chars = [chr(x) for x in buf]
print repr(''.join(chars))
It does work for bytearrays and other writable buffers:
$ python -c 'import test; test.printbuf(bytearray("test\0ing"))'
But it doesn't work for normal strings and other read-only buffer objects:
$ python -c 'import test; test.printbuf("test\0ing")'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "test.pyx", line 1, in test.printbuf (test.c:1417)
File "stringsource", line 614, in View.MemoryView.memoryview_cwrapper (test.c:6795)
File "stringsource", line 321, in View.MemoryView.memoryview.__cinit__ (test.c:3341)
BufferError: Object is not writable.
Looking at the generated C code, Cython is always passing the PyBUF_WRITABLE
flag to PyObject_GetBuffer()
, which explains the exception.
I can manually get a view into the buffer object myself, but it's not as convenient:
from cpython.buffer cimport \
PyObject_CheckBuffer, PyObject_GetBuffer, PyBuffer_Release
cpdef object printbuf(object buf):
if not PyObject_CheckBuffer(buf):
raise TypeError("argument must follow the buffer protocol")
cdef Py_buffer view
PyObject_GetBuffer(buf, &view, PyBUF_SIMPLE)
chars = [chr((<unsigned char *>view.buf)[i])
for i in range(view.len)]
print repr(''.join(chars))
$ python -c 'import test; test.printbuf(bytearray("test\0ing"))'
$ python -c 'import test; test.printbuf("test\0ing")'
Am I doing something wrong, or does Cython not support coercing read-only buffer objects (such as normal strings) into typed memoryview objects?
does not help, so this means the suggested documentation is not working. – Vacillateconst
now works for me with Cython 0.28.4 – Warrant