I've got many test suites in TestNG. These are XML files. I want to be able to choose multiple XML suites when running integration-test from maven.
Currently I can add the suite files to pom.xml like this:
This solution has some limitations. I can only change a path to the test suite I've got defined in pom.xml. So in my example it always has to be two files. I'm not able to run, lets say, 5 suites or just one.
Is there a way to somehow parametrize the whole section "suiteXmlFiles" in pom.xml ?
Running everything that matches given test group is not an option for me: I don't want to load all the suites I've got and then run just the selected tests using groups in TestNG suite. The reason being that a report that gets generated after running all the test suites with group filters is different from a report when just the selected test suites were run.