I have a database with multiple tables that frequently need to be queried with LEFT JOIN
so that results contain aggregated data from other tables. Snippet from my Prisma schema:
model posts {
id Int @id @unique @default(autoincrement())
user_id Int
movie_id Int @unique
title String @db.Text
description String? @db.Text
tags Json?
created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.DateTime(0)
image String? @default("https://picsum.photos/400/600/?blur=10") @db.VarChar(256)
year Int
submitted_by String @db.Text
tmdb_rating Decimal? @default(0.0) @db.Decimal(3, 1)
tmdb_rating_count Int? @default(0)
model ratings {
id Int @unique @default(autoincrement()) @db.UnsignedInt
entry_id Int @db.UnsignedInt
user_id Int @db.UnsignedInt
rating Int @default(0) @db.UnsignedTinyInt
created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.DateTime(0)
updated_at DateTime? @db.DateTime(0)
@@id([entry_id, user_id])
If I wanted to return the average rating when querying posts
, I could use a query like:
p.*, ROUND(AVG(rt.rating), 1) AS user_rating
posts AS p
ratings AS rt ON rt.entry_id = p.id
GROUP BY p.id;
I'm not exactly sure how/whether I can achieve something similar with Prisma, because as it stands right now, it seems like this would require two separate queries, which isn't optimal because there is sometimes the need for 2 or 3 joins or SELECT
s from other tables.
How can I make a query/model/something in Prisma to achieve the above?