So, my CSS moves a div to -40px after 3 seconds. After doing so, the div is then moved back to its original position. Here is the code:
#jsAlert {
width: 100%;
height: 40px;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
animation:mymove 3s;
animation-delay: 3s;
/*Safari and Chrome*/
-webkit-animation: mymove 2s;
-webkit-animation-delay: 2s;
@keyframes mymove {
from {top: 0px;}
to {top: -40px;}
@-webkit-keyframes mymove /*Safari and Chrome*/
from {top: 0px;}
to {top: -40px;}
How would I prevent the div from returning to its original position?