I'm using SpringBoot (v2.3.0.RELEASE), JPA and Hibernate (with a MySQL database). I need to try to improve, in general, the performances.
It's not completely clear for me if, into the default configuration, is already there a Database Connection Pool.
I didn't add any specific dependencies into my pom about a connection pool but when I try to run my service I read:
2021-07-01 13:53:04.065 INFO HikariDataSource-getConnection():110 - [ HikariPool-1 - Starting... ]
2021-07-01 13:53:04.499 INFO HikariDataSource-getConnection():123 - [ HikariPool-1 - Start completed. ]
can you give me some info about this?
Do I need to configure (adding the dependency also) a connection pool manually?