As of version 0.9.0 you can use comparators in the drop partition statement which may be used to drop all partitions at once.
An example, taken from the drop_partitions_filter.q testcase :
create table ptestfilter (a string, b int) partitioned by (c string, d string);
alter table ptestfilter add partition (c='US', d=1);
alter table ptestfilter add partition (c='US', d=2);
alter table ptestFilter add partition (c='Uganda', d=2);
alter table ptestfilter add partition (c='Germany', d=2);
alter table ptestfilter add partition (c='Canada', d=3);
alter table ptestfilter add partition (c='Russia', d=3);
alter table ptestfilter add partition (c='Greece', d=2);
alter table ptestfilter add partition (c='India', d=3);
alter table ptestfilter add partition (c='France', d=4);
show partitions ptestfilter;
alter table ptestfilter drop partition (c>'0', d>'0');
show partitions ptestfilter;
FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: 1:23 Need to specify partition columns because the destination table is partitioned. Error encountered near token 't1'
– Cheery