explaining all that has been tried and double checked.
Set up on local windows machine:
Xming installed and running.
in ssh_config ForwardX11 is set to yes.
In VS code remote connection config the the Forward X11 is set to yes.
Set up on GCP compute engine with Debian / Linux 9 and 1 GPU[free tier]:
xauth is installed.
In the sshd_config file below is set: X11Forwarding yes X11DisplayOffset 10 X11UseLocalhost no
The sshserver has be restarted to ensure below setting are read . from local workstation I fire gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-X" tensorflow-2-vm(instance name) and the response is :
/usr/bin/xauth: file /home/user/.Xauthority does not exist,
So, I attempted to perform the below on the remote compute engine with instance name - tensorflow-2-vm and user trapti_kalra:
trapti_kalra@tensorflow-2-vm:~$ xauth list
xauth: file /home/trapti_kalra/.Xauthority does not exist
trapti_kalra@tensorflow-2-vm:~$ mv .Xauthority old.Xauthority
mv: cannot stat '.Xauthority': No such file or directory
trapti_kalra@tensorflow-2-vm:~$ touch ~/.Xauthority
trapti_kalra@tensorflow-2-vm:~$ xauth generate :0 . trusted
xauth: (argv):1: unable to open display ":0".
trapti_kalra@tensorflow-2-vm:~$ sudo xauth generate :0 . trusted
xauth: file /root/.Xauthority does not exist
xauth: (argv):1: unable to open display ":0".
so, looks like something is missing, any help will be appreciated. This was working with a EC2 server before I moved to GCP.