For Entity Framework 5 use
And For Entity Framework 4 use the following code
public string BuyerSequenceNumberMax(int buyerId)
string sequenceMaxQuery = "SELECT TOP(1) btitosal.BuyerSequenceNumber FROM BuyerTakenItemToSale btitosal " +
"WHERE btitosal.BuyerID = " + buyerId +
"ORDER BY CONVERT(INT,SUBSTRING(btitosal.BuyerSequenceNumber,7, LEN(btitosal.BuyerSequenceNumber))) DESC";
var sequenceQueryResult = context.Database.SqlQuery<string>(sequenceMaxQuery).FirstOrDefault();
string buyerSequenceNumber = string.Empty;
if (sequenceQueryResult != null)
buyerSequenceNumber = sequenceQueryResult.ToString();
return buyerSequenceNumber;
For Return a List use the following Code
public List<PanelSerialList> PanelSerialByLocationAndStock(string locationCode, byte storeLocation, string itemCategory, string itemCapacity, byte agreementType, string packageCode)
string panelSerialByLocationAndStockQuery = "SELECT isws.ItemSerialNo, im.ItemModel " +
"FROM Inv_ItemMaster im " +
"Inv_ItemStockWithSerialNoByLocation isws " +
" ON im.ItemCode = isws.ItemCode " +
" WHERE isws.LocationCode = '" + locationCode + "' AND " +
" isws.StoreLocation = " + storeLocation + " AND " +
" isws.IsAvailableInStore = 1 AND " +
" im.ItemCapacity = '" + itemCapacity + "' AND " +
" isws.ItemSerialNo NOT IN ( " +
" Select sp.PanelSerialNo From Special_SpecialPackagePriceForResale sp " +
" Where sp.PackageCode = '" + packageCode + "' )";