I'm trying to shake an html element for my game.
I found this code here:
shake = function (sprite, magnitude = 16, angular = false) {
//A counter to count the number of shakes
var counter = 1;
//The total number of shakes (there will be 1 shake per frame)
var numberOfShakes = 10;
//Capture the sprite's position and angle so you can
//restore them after the shaking has finished
var startX = sprite.x,
startY = sprite.y,
startAngle = sprite.rotation;
// Divide the magnitude into 10 units so that you can
// reduce the amount of shake by 10 percent each frame
var magnitudeUnit = magnitude / numberOfShakes;
//The `randomInt` helper function
var randomInt = (min, max) => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
//Add the sprite to the `shakingSprites` array if it
//isn't already there
if(shakingSprites.indexOf(sprite) === -1) {
//Add an `updateShake` method to the sprite.
//The `updateShake` method will be called each frame
//in the game loop. The shake effect type can be either
//up and down (x/y shaking) or angular (rotational shaking).
sprite.updateShake = () => {
if(angular) {
} else {
//The `upAndDownShake` function
function upAndDownShake() {
//Shake the sprite while the `counter` is less than
//the `numberOfShakes`
if (counter < numberOfShakes) {
//Reset the sprite's position at the start of each shake
sprite.x = startX;
sprite.y = startY;
//Reduce the magnitude
magnitude -= magnitudeUnit;
//Randomly change the sprite's position
sprite.x += randomInt(-magnitude, magnitude);
sprite.y += randomInt(-magnitude, magnitude);
//Add 1 to the counter
counter += 1;
//When the shaking is finished, restore the sprite to its original
//position and remove it from the `shakingSprites` array
if (counter >= numberOfShakes) {
sprite.x = startX;
sprite.y = startY;
shakingSprites.splice(shakingSprites.indexOf(sprite), 1);
//The `angularShake` function
//First set the initial tilt angle to the right (+1)
var tiltAngle = 1;
function angularShake() {
if (counter < numberOfShakes) {
//Reset the sprite's rotation
sprite.rotation = startAngle;
//Reduce the magnitude
magnitude -= magnitudeUnit;
//Rotate the sprite left or right, depending on the direction,
//by an amount in radians that matches the magnitude
sprite.rotation = magnitude * tiltAngle;
counter += 1;
//Reverse the tilt angle so that the sprite is tilted
//in the opposite direction for the next shake
tiltAngle *= -1;
//When the shaking is finished, reset the sprite's angle and
//remove it from the `shakingSprites` array
if (counter >= numberOfShakes) {
sprite.rotation = startAngle;
shakingSprites.splice(shakingSprites.indexOf(sprite), 1);
However it only works for canvas sprites. How can I get it to work with HTML elements? Thanks.