As the title suggests, I am new to using useQuery and the associated libraries, I am trying to use it to fetch data and then populates a list of fields that I have created However when I run it I get this error after it makes two requests
Missing queryFn index.js:1
e index.js:1
onError query.js:356
reject retryer.js:67
run retryer.js:132
(Async: promise callback)
run retryer.js:116
Retryer retryer.js:156
fetch query.js:330
executeFetch queryObserver.js:199
onSubscribe queryObserver.js:40
subscribe subscribable.js:16
useBaseQuery useBaseQuery.js:60
React 5
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.development.js:468
React 3
workLoop scheduler.development.js:417
flushWork scheduler.development.js:390
performWorkUntilDeadline scheduler.development.js:157
(Async: EventHandlerNonNull)
js scheduler.development.js:180
js scheduler.development.js:645
Webpack 21
As far as I can tell I have passed in a query function so I am very confused why this error is showing I can see the server is receiving the requests and seemingly sends it, I have tested elsewhere and server does send it so it has to be with my code right?
const URL = 'http://localhost:3500/monster';
const fetchMonster = async (id) => {
let res = await fetch(`${URL}/${id}`);
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return res.json;
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
retry: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
function EditMonster(props) {
let { slug } = useParams();
return (
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
slug={slug} />
function Query(props) {
const { isLoading, error, data } = useQuery('monster', fetchMonster(props.slug))
if (isLoading) return 'Loading...';
if (error) return 'An error has occured: ' + error.message;
return (
<AttributeFields name='Edit Monster' method='PATCH' monster={data} />