I have a "modal window" in a webpage obtained by applying to a div
the css property position
to fixed
. The div
contains input fields. In particular, I'm using the autocomplete widget from jQueryUI. There are two major problems:
1) the first is that, since the div has a fixed position, when you scroll down the webpage, the autocomplete suggestions are not shown fixed but are moved up and down with the page. You can see that problem at this Codepen where I'm using an example from jQuery website with city-name autocompletion.
2) The second problem is that the suggestions from autocomplete are shown in the upper-left corner of the page and not just below the input field. Unfortunately, I tried to reproduce this problem in Codepen, but I can't.
I'm quite sure that the problem is due to the CSS, and in particular to such style properties provided by the JQuery-UI. Maybe the problem can be resolved by using the position option of the autocomplete widget.
What CSS property should I define and how?
PS: I use the theme provided at http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/themes/base/jquery-ui.css.
for a problem where the autocomplete suggestions would get displayed at the wrong position with a frameset - based on reading your answer. :) – Millennium