My program reads other programs' source code and collect information about used SQL queries. I have problem with getting substring.
$line = <FILE_IN>;
until( ($line =~m/$values_string/i && $line !~m/$rem_string/i) || eof )
if($line =~m/ \S{2}DT\S{3}/i)
# here I wish to get (only) substring that match to pattern \S{2}DT\S{3}
# (7 letter table name) and display it.
$line =~/\S{2}DT\S{3}/i;
print $line."\n";
In result print prints whole line and not a substring I expect. I tried different approach, but I use Perl seldom and probably make basic concept error. ( position of tablename in line is not fixed. Another problem is multiple occurrence i.e.[... SELECT * FROM AADTTAB, BBDTTAB, ...] ). How can I obtain that substring?