I have to implement split screen functionality for the new iPad and I got a workaround from Apple's doc to support the same in my app: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/WindowsViews/Conceptual/AdoptingMultitaskingOniPad/QuickStartForSlideOverAndSplitView.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015145-CH13-SW1
In this doc, check the 2nd point:
Provide a LaunchScreen.storyboard file (instead of a .png image file as you did in iOS 7 and earlier)
This is why I have to use Launch screen.storyboard. Now, the split over works perfect but for my app I have separate Launch screens, Default-Portrait and Default-Landscape. But now I have taken storyboard, I am unable to customise launch screens for different orientations. And even I can't code for the same in Launch screen or it gives me error.
Further, I have tried using size classes to provide separate imageviews for both orientations but I got no success.
It would be great help if anyone suggests me how to implement Launch screen.storyboard for Landscape and Portrait with different images.