Currently, I am trying out Azure Search SDK. Having a strong background working with lucene and bobobrowse, the Azure Search is quite fantastic and has a lot of features from both frameworks out of the box.
The only thing I am puzzling with is to get the minimum and maximum value of a numeric facet item. By intention, I do not want to use the interval parameter nor the value lists:
My requirement is to display the price facet with a calculated minimum and maximum value. Following website has such a facet in their facet list:
In my existing desktop application (.Net) I successfully used BoboBrowse framework and implemented a Custom-FacetHandler to get the desired results which are shown in the following picture below:
Never mind the facet values within these pictures. These are just length, height and other characteristic values of tools.
This is how I build one document for demonstration purposes. There is a price field which is generated dynamically. Because of azure search needs a strongly fixed schema for every index. I update the schema within the indexing process. This works very well.
So the question is how can i achieve the required functionality with azure search?
In the elastic search, such a problem could be solved by using Aggregations. Does this feature exist in Azure Search?